Cracking the CoDA: liberal web effective

Denver Post:

The web of liberal nonprofit and political groups operating under the umbrella of the Colorado Democracy Alliance may tiptoe around tax and campaign-finance rules, but the efforts are completely legal, its architects and an expert say.

Led by some of the state's wealthiest liberal donors — Tim Gill, Pat Stryker and Rutt Bridges among them — the alliance focuses on supporting candidates and building a network of independent groups with similar agendas.

A batch of leaked agendas, funding recommendations and meeting minutes shed some light on the largely secretive group's inner workings.

Founded as a corporation, the alliance doesn't have the same restrictions it would under other tax structures political groups frequently use. It can communicate with political committees such as so-called "527s," advocacy groups (501c4s) and tax-exempt nonprofits (501c3s) without inhibition.

Alliance leaders have said the 2008 network consists of 37 organizations ranging from the homegrown — such as the Bell Policy Center think tank and the youth-centered outreach group New Era Colorado — to local branches of national groups, such as environmentalists Colorado Conservation Voters, election-protection campaigners FairVote and leadership builders Progressive Majority.